Writing Articles to Make Money Online

Do you fall in the category of those people who dreams of making money online? If your answer is yes then this article is meant for guys like you only. In this article I am going to explore the ways that you can use to make money by writing articles online and not by doing any MLM type of work. Making money writing articles online is easy and is meant for helping others instead of doing some MLM kind of work which many of you had taken possession of earlier but to enjoy bad luck only.
First of all, please remember that there is no shortcut to success. Writing articles for money or writing articles to make money onlinedemands both hard work and smart work. If you miss any of the two traits then you might not achieve what you are looking for. So better create a blend of hard work and smart work to succeed inmaking money writing articles online.
In this article I am going to tell you the ways that you can use to write articles so that you make money online from your articles. It is not necessary that you follow of them but which ever suits you, should be used by you. So check on all the ways that you can use to write articles to make money online below and try out the one that you likes the most.
(1) Freelance Writer: You can choose to begin your online writing career as a freelance writer. Become a freelance writer with some magazines, or start freelancing at your own. There are many sites such as getafreelancer, getacoder, elance, rentacoder etc where you can register and find some freelance writing assignments to make some quick money online writing articles. But it might not be easy to grab projects there as you are required to bid on those projects. Also projects on these websites are of very low cost usually paying 1 cent per 3 words which you might not accept.
(2) Paid Writing: This is very much similar to freelancing except that you are the permanent writier with the hirer. Such type of writers can be found on very high profile and professional sites such as NYTimes, Cnet etc which pays their writers fixed amount for publishing articles, news and other content. Again your profile may not suit these types of jobs as you might lack experience, qualification or something else which is must for this form of online article writing job.
(3) Self-Blogging: Third option to go for with to make money writing articles online is to start your own blog. This could be a good option for you if you have a knowledge in some specific niche or just want to start a blog for fun. You can achieve loyal readership which can help you make some descent money from the ads displayed on your blog. But again this might not suit your profile if you don't know how to promote a blog, or don't have any money to setup a blog which requires registeration of a domain name and hosting space which are not free.
(4) Blogging on Revenue Sharing Sites: Among all the options that lets you make money writing articles online, blogging on the revenue sharing websites is the best option. First of all it lets you write your own personal blogs and secondly it helps you make some descent money without any efforts on your side. You get all; easy startup, loyal readership and money.
Such sites allows you to make money writing articles online but at the same time take some revenue share from you. Different sites have different revenue sharing percentages. For example, hubpages lets you make 50%, where as Expertscolumn.com gives you 70% minimum with 100% being the maximum if you write consistently.
It is absolutely up to how you would like to start your writing career, by becoming freelance writer, paid writer, starting your own blog or writing on revenue sharing websites. Just make a selction and start your career as an online writer to make money online from articles which until now you have only dreamt of.

The selfish philosopher rages.

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